ORNAMENT ed.1 black & BALL'N'CHAIN ed.1
ORNAMENT ed.1 crackled anthra
ORNAMENT ed.1 black & BALL'N'CHAIN ed.1
ORNAMENT ed.1 crackled anthra


EUR 165
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Interior: Unlined. Room enough for your everyday essentials, half-litre bottle or 8'' tablet.

Ways to wear: Carry yours as a shoulder bag or crossbody bag.

Combinations: Due to the carabiner rings, ORNAMENT ed.1 can easily be combined with smaller INA KENT styles such as X.ONI ed.2. To highlight your bag, combine it with our characteristic keychain BALL’N’CHAIN ed.1. Attached to the carabiner rings, it makes an elegant and catchy strap.

Straps: Made of skin-friendly, vegetable-tanned leather and dyed edges. Detachable and adjustable in small steps. Maximal Length: 110 cm.

Our straps are unique, the length will therefore vary by 1-2 cm. Over time and use, your strap will eventually stretch.

Hardware: Our carabiner rings – everyday heroes – are easy to open and close. Designed to make each bag ultra-versatile and convertible.

Roomy enough for an 8'' tablet.

H: 21 cm
W: 32 cm
D: 7,5

Weight: 0,3 kg

Material: 100 % cowhide leather

This item is made of pigmented smooth leather. The grain pattern is largely covered by the pigmentation, the pigment layer also provides light protection. Some characteristic natural features and slight irregularities such as scars or mosquito bites may remain visible. Since leather is a natural material, it will not remain pristine but rather age beautifully over time. Throughout the life of your bag, you may notice a softening of the silhouette and a naturally occurring patina. Every item is unique and slight variations in colour and texture may occur.

In order to enjoy your INA KENT bag for many years, we recommend applying small amounts of special leather care products before using it for the first time. Repeat this process from time to time. Please also note the following:

  • Avoid contact with water.
  • Avoid contact with any material that could transfer colour pigments.
  • Clean by a leather specialist only.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure.
  • Avoid contact with rough surfaces.
  • Do not apply any conventional products that contain solvents, oils or alcohol as they may damage the finish.

Please read our product care instructions carefully.